Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Why I´m here: a better explanation

I´m here in Peru because I can´t turn down an adventure.
Adventures are not vacations; there's no pressure to always be enjoying yourself. They test you physically, mentally and emotionally. When you´re stuck out on a canoe for four hours in chilling rain, when you have to muster an answer to a question in a language with an accent that you only vaguely understand, when you miss your boyfriend´s hugs and your mom´s cooking, and when you´re 20 hours by boat away from the nearest city...and when all of that happens at the same time, that´s when you find out what you´re made of. You not only learn about other people, you learn about yourself.
Adventuring is not sight-seeing. It always has a purpose, whether it´s finding the percent yield of essential oil from a lump of copal, starting an online handicrafts store that directly links the product to the producer, or describing your new world to your old world back home.
In this way, you, my reader, are my purpose.

I´m here on the Internets because I can´t stop narrating my life. I don´t analyze my world through time or events, but rather through stories. Stories have a beginning, an end, and a theme; they make sense.
I don´t write these blog entries on my laptop. I´m always writing them in my head.
When I don´t keep a blog, I start narrating out loud in daily life. And then my friends get annoyed. I agree, it´s very annoying.
In this way, you´re my therapist.

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